
An Introduction to the Egmont Trust

An Introduction to the Egmont Trust

Kenya Poverty Elimination Network

Kenya Poverty Elimination Network

Jestina's Story

Jestina's Story

Imagine Family Homes, Mozambique

Imagine Family Homes, Mozambique

TICAH, Kenya

TICAH, Kenya

Aida's Story

Aida's Story

NASFAM Literacy Project

NASFAM Literacy Project

Marvin's Story

Marvin's Story

Vukoxa, Mozambique

Vukoxa, Mozambique

The Egmont Trust & HAWIP in Malawi

HAWIP began as a way for staff from Rumphi District Hospital, in northern Malawi to support the orphaned children of colleagues who had died as a result of AIDS. In 2008, when the number of orphans was too many for staff to support, Egmont funded a project to deliver nutritional support to these children.

This film explores the impact of HAWIP's work on HIV+ community members and the vulnerable children in their care in Chimyanga village.