How We Work


We believe that the most successful responses to HIV & AIDS are locally driven by dedicated people, who show incredible commitment and know best what will work in their local context. 

Egmont’s Programme Committee, who between them have more than 60 years experience in HIV & AIDS and development within and beyond the countries where Egmont works, are able to draw on their extensive local networks in Africa to help identify those inspiring, capable, dedicated people and organisations that are effective. We combine that expertise with a rigorous assessment process to select and support projects that will have a lasting impact.

Whether it's ensuring children’s access to education in Zambia and Zimbabwe, supporting caregivers in Malawi and Mozambique or spreading the word to young Kenyans and Tanzanians about how to protect themselves from HIV, Egmont's partners are genuinely committed and locally driven organisations who are making a real difference on the ground throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Meet A Few Of Our Partners


Prisca Kambole

Director of Partners for Life Advancement and Education Promotion (PLAEP),

Prisca left her secure job with a large international organisation to establish a community school in the AIDS-stricken city of Kitwe. This led to the creation of PLAEP, a charity working to improve the educational outcomes of children whose families would otherwise struggle to afford an education.

Thanks to Prisca’s tireless efforts, hundreds of vulnerable children are receiving an education each year helping to break them out of the generational cycle of poverty.

Peter Gondwe .jpg

Peter Gondwe

Director of Life Concern,

Peter's brother died of an AIDS related illness in the early 2000s. Since then Peter has set up two organisations that aim to prevent the spread of the disease. 

After the success of HAWIP, which Egmont has supported since 2008, Peter set up Life Concern (LICO). LICO aims to establish an AIDS free generation in Rumphi by preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child. Since LICO's project started no children from their target population have been born HIV+.


Ruth Njihia

Director of Girl Child Women’s Counselling Group (GCCWG),

Ruth Njihia lost her sister to AIDS. Through this tragedy, Ruth was determined to help other young mothers. With 11 other women who had been similarly affected, Ruth started GCCWG with the aim of promoting HIV awareness and poverty reduction.

Since Egmont support began in 2015, the project has helped hundreds of young women to provide for themselves and their children and enabled thousands of adolescents to get tested for HIV.

How We Work With Our Partners

How Egmont chooses partners

Egmont employs a rigorous selection procedure when choosing partners to work with. Our Programme Committee carries out detailed assessment of proposals from potential partners, along with financial analysis of each project. This is supplemented by face-to-face visits and input from contacts across the region.


Why work with local partners?

We believe that investing in local people is the best way to achieve long-lasting change. We look for partners characterised by strong leadership – “people we can do business with” – plus energy, knowledge, experience, creativity and commitment. The quality and integrity of the person leading the initiative is as important as the initiative itself. 

How we measure a partner's success

Egmont’s support is conditional on partners achieving specific results for local beneficiaries. Partners are monitored with annual visits and submit quarterly or six-monthly narrative and financial reports. Partners are also encouraged to assess each others work, through Egmont’s Peer Evaluation programme; providing additional insights into their impact and the efficacy of their approaches.

Giving 100%

Egmont projects vary according to the needs and issues facing the communities that our partners seek to help. Egmont employs three grant levels to meet these needs and ensure cost-effective use of our donors’ gifts. Innovation Projects start at £10,000 per annum and Core Projects can range up to £26,000. Our most successful partners, who consistently deliver bigger and better results for consecutive years, are invited to apply for our highest level of funding, the Strategic Grant, at up to £75,000 per annum.